Nomenclature - Glossary of Terms
A list that enumerates, by part number or description, each piece of material or assembly to be shipped. Also known as Packing List.
Drawing details for fabrication of parts and assemblies.
A term used to describe the lap at the side or lengthwise direction of panels.

A term used to describe the entire composition of a building side which is parallel to the ridge.

The bottom horizontal member of a door or window opening.
The term used in structural engineering to describe a support condition, for a beam, girt, purlin, etc., which offers no resistance to rotation at the supports.
See Mono-Slope.
A translucent panel used at the roof to transmit natural light. It is usually made of fiberglass.
Flat strips used in the shutters of roll-up doors.

A long nut normally used to join two brace rods of the same diameter together. Also known as Coupling.