Nomenclature - Glossary of Terms
Galvanized steel strands formed into a helical hair pin shape that is wrapped tightly on the strand at the end of the cable brace.

Rods or cables placed diagonally in the roof and walls for the purpose of transferring wind loads to the foundations and longitudinally stabilizing the building.

The bay where bracing is provided.
A structural support projecting from a column or rafter to which another structural member is fastened. Example: Brackets supporting crane runway beams.

Overhead traveling crane supported by rails which are in turn supported by crane runway beams.
A general contractor or sub-contractor responsible for providing and erecting pre-engineered buildings.
Regulations developed by recognized agencies establishing minimum building requirements for licensing, safety and functionality purposes such as setbacks, fire regulations, spacing and clearances. Building codes usually address acceptable design codes. An example of a building code is the Uniform Building Code (UBC).
The lateral width of the building measured from out to out of sidewall steel lines.

A structural member, usually an 'I' shape, made from individual flat plates welded together.

The end plate of a structural member which usually rests against a similar endplate of another member to form a moment resisting connection. Also called Splice Plate, End Plate, or Cap Plate.